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Sponsorships and donations

BBI banka is a socially responsible financial institution that, in the foundations of its corporate culture, has built-in concern for the society in which it operates. In accordance with this strategy, the Bank uses its resources to make the country in which it operates a better place to live. Our socially responsible strategy is based on the following principles:



It includes donations to charitable purposes or activities aimed at supporting the improvement of quality of life, health and encouraging community involvement with a particular focus on support for:
children, young people and adults and elderly people with disabilities and/or developmental difficulties and/or mental/intellectual disabilities, impairments or other forms of special needs/diseases
children without parental care
support for vulnerable social categories
scholarship for children without one or both parents
scholarship for children from vulnerable families
support for sustainable return



Support and plans for financial investments in programs, donations/sponsorships and/or product research (research and development of new products that promote sustainability)
Initiatives that train employees on corporate social responsibility, social awareness or care for the environment
Ensuring transparent and timely financial reporting



Ethical responsibility is based on behaving in an honest, ethical manner. A fair attitude towards everyone, regardless of age, race, culture.
Transparency of procedures and honest disclosure in a legitimate and respectful manner



Environmental impact is a pillar of socially responsible business (environmental preservation). The Bank’s activities are aimed at acting through:
reduction of pollution, waste, consumption of natural resources
recycling of goods and materials through its processes, including the promotion of material reuse practices
conscious use of goods and services that, by choosing methods, have the least impact on emissions and pollution


BBI Bank acts in a socially responsible manner towards the local community through a focus on support:

Education – with adequate youth training programs, based on skills and designing education programs in accordance with the needs of the market
Employment – to engage and increase the employment offer as well as expanding opportunities for young people
Entrepreneurship – encouraging youth entrepreneurship has the potential to significantly reduce youth unemployment and poverty.
Effective engagement – Organization of workshops and seminars
Important notes for applicants for donations or sponsorships from BBI Bank


The bank operates in accordance with Islamic business principles, which means sincere, honest and responsible business in accordance with the moral and ethical postulates of Islam. This means being socially responsible by not financing any form of violence, nor participating in any way in the production and distribution of alcohol, narcotic drugs, pornography, prostitution, gambling, tobacco, media and media programs and films that promote violence, perversion and immorality, or anything else why science has determined that it can only be used in a way that harms people.


The Bank will therefore not consider or finance requests related to all of the above as well as the following:

activities involving any political topics
activities that include discrimination against religious or minority groups or any other type of discrimination
activities and projects that are implemented outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina
activities related to violence and which are against morality and humanity
pageants for miss, beauty pageants
Natural persons/individuals, individual applicants except the defined best talents in the fields of education, science, culture, sports, etc.

Zahtjev za donaciju/sponzorstvo Banka će uzeti u razmatranje, ukoliko je dostavljena na zvaničnom obrascu koji možete pronaći ovdje, i to najmanje 40 dana prije nego istekne važeći ugovor o donaciji/sponzorstvu ili 40 dana prije događaja koji je predmet traženog sponzorstva/donacije

Banka će odgovoriti na dostavljeni podnešeni Zahtjev za donaciju/sponzorstvo/ isključivo subjektima kojima se predmetna donacija/sponzorstvo i odobrava. 

Zahtjev za donaciju ili sponzorstvo može stići u Banku direktno od strane podnosioca Zahtjeva slanjem na adresu: Bosna Bank International, Trg djece Sarajeva bb, 71 000 Sarajevo  i/ili putem email-a: marketing.komunikacije@bbi.ba ili info@bbi.ba 

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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