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Public call for housing financing for young people from Tešanj Municipality has been published

Bosna Bank International (BBI) and the Municipality of Tešanj signed an agreement on subsidizing the profit margin for housing financing for young people from the territory of this Municipality. A public invitation with details on how to apply was published in daily newspapers and on the websites of BBI Bank and Tešanj Municipality.
Namely, young people from the Municipality of Tešanj who have not yet resolved the housing issue have the opportunity to do so under favorable financing conditions with a profit margin subsidy.

Young people up to the age of 35 have the right to participate in the profit margin subsidy for the purchase of a newly built or apartment under construction, as well as the purchase of a house under construction or a completely new construction of a house. Tešanj municipality will subsidize the profit margin for the first five years of repayment of housing financing, the amount of which does not exceed 50,000.00 KM and the repayment period of which is not longer than 20 years.

Requests for financing with the necessary documentation are submitted in sealed envelopes marked “Request for financing from the Tešanj Municipality line” in person at the BBI bank branch in Tešanj at the address ul. Marshal Tito b.b. or via e-mail:

The deadline for submitting requests for financing according to the terms of the Public Call is open until January 19, 2023. years. Additional information related to the Public Call can be obtained via: e-mail: or free info line: 080 020 020.

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