Private individuals

Payment transactions

Customer desk

Quick access to market information

Daily news about market events

Direct market quotes of all major currencies

Currency conversion

Buying and selling foreign currency at the current market price

Customer desk

When buying or selling foreign currency, for all amounts greater than EUR 5,000.00 or the corresponding currency equivalent, the client can agree on a rate that is more favorable than the regular selling or buying rate of BBI Bank.

Activation of BBI Customer desk

Sign the contract with the Bank
Submit the Carton of authorized signatories for transactions at the BBI Customer desk.

Customer Desk opening hours: every working day from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.


Contact with the Trade Department:

Assets and Financial Institutions Sector, Department for Financial Institutions, contact phone:

033 275 541

033 275 538

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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About us

Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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