Card accounts

Card Guard

Preventive protection of your card transactions

By using BBI mBBI* and the Card Guard mobile application, you can proactively protect your card transactions. It is ideal for use on vacation or travel. With the simple activation of the card in the country where you are staying, after returning, deactivate the card for use in that country, thus protecting yourself from unauthorized use of the card after the trip is over. This application provides and enables the user to:

complete control and prevention of various types of card transactions, monitoring of transactions and inclusion of warnings when performing a transaction
setting the desired parameters for card control, receiving alerts in real time and responding to alerts on fraud transactions
cards to independently and proactively manage 24h/365 with all your cards without limits – debit, prepaid and credit cards using only an application on your smartphone
setting with functional cards in all or only certain countries

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

*Card Guard mobile app is supported for Android and iOS mobile platforms.

Card Guard mobilna aplikacija koja ima za cilj pružiti preventivnu zaštitu kartičnih transakcija. Aplikacija obezbjeđuje svojim korisnicima kompletnu kontrolu i prevenciju nad različitim tipovima kartičnih transakcija, monitoring transakcija i uključenje upozorenja prilikom obavljanja transakcije.

Instalaciju aplikacije vršite preko Google Play i App Store ovisno o mobilnoj platformi vašeg mobitela, i to na način da u pretraživanje upišete Card Guard.

Nakon toga potrebno je da popunite online formu, i na vaš mobilni telefon putem SMS poruke će se dostaviti aktivacijski ključ. 

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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