Private individuals


Long-term financing

Repayment period from 13 to 84 months

Terms adapted to the type and purpose of financing

Application processing fee 1-2% of the financing amount

Long-term financing

Different forms of long-term financing adapted to the needs of your company are available to legal entities. The conditions under which the bank approves placement depend on the type of financial arrangement, creditworthiness and history of relations with the client, the length of the repayment period and the quality of the security instruments offered.

Other benefits

  • Repayment in equal monthly, quarterly or half-yearly annuities

  • Working capital financing for up to 60 months, with a possible grace period of up to 6 months

  • Client participation min. 1% of the financing amount with security instruments

  • Investment financing up to a maximum of EUR 2.5 million

  • Financing of investments with possible participation of working capital up to 40% max. up to 120 months including the grace period up to max. 36 months

  • Financing for various purposes, including the purchase of debt from another bank


The bank approves the following types of long-term financing according to purpose:

For fixed assets – annuity repayment and installment repayment
For permanent working capital – TOS
Project financing

Required documentation

The necessary documentation for submitting a request for approval of long-term financing is below.


Request defining the purpose, amount and repayment term of financing;
Decision on registration in the Court Register with all amendments;
Current extract from the Court Register not older than 90 days;
Statute and decision on establishment of the company;
ID number and VAT number;
Notification of the competent statistical office on classification by activity;
Certification from the competent tax administration/ITA that there are no outstanding obligations based on public revenues;
Copy of identity card and CIPS for persons authorized to represent;
Related party statement;
Consent to check the Central Credit Register (CRK);
External auditor’s report (only for joint-stock companies);
Business plan, projected balance sheets and cash flows for the repayment period (for project financing and capital investments)
Balance sheet and income statement for the previous two years, and preliminary financial indicators for the current period;
Documentation for securing financing and instruments for securing financing (collateral) determined by the bank, in accordance with its business policy and depending on the client’s creditworthiness.


In addition to the above, BBI Bank has the right to request other documents in accordance with the bank’s internal acts.

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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