Online Services


New BBI service available to beneficiaries of electronic (eBBI) and mobile banking (mBBI). Easier, simpler and faster! Pay your utilities with just one click!

What is eRežija service?

  • eRežija service provides the beneficiary of electronic (eBBI) and mobile (mBBI) banking to receive a completed order for payment of monthly bills with just one click.
  • By contracting the eRežija service, the beneficiary or the Bank is not obliged to pay the order, indicating that you can pay bill received through eUtility service or not.
  • The beneficiary can agree eRežija service also for bills not assigned to its name (e.g. for bills assigned to other family member).

Benefits of eRežija service

  • Submission of completed payment slip for the bill payment (faster, better, safer and simpler)
  • The client itself chooses the moment of payment
  • Fees for payment using electronic services are up to 70% lower for payment in comparison to fees at the Bank’s Teller Unit
  • eRežija service offers the client the ability of payment 24 hours a day, from any location
  • With the use of eRežija service, the client is not limited only to payment of its personal bills
  • User-friendly

eRežija operating mode

  • The beneficiary of electronic services shall activate the service based on its code/reference, indicated on the standard utility bill
  • The Bank shall forward received codes from the beneficiary to the Bill Issuer on a monthly level (or within some other period)
  • The Bank shall present received electronic bill to the end-user in the form of eRežija through eBBI and mBBI
  • Beneficiaries shall verify completed orders and approve payment to the Bill Issuer

Contract eRežija service

Instructions for activating eRežija

JP Elektroprivreda BiH

The eRežija service can be contracted by the Bank’s clients, who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI), as well as all electricity customers who have an account with BBI Bank.

Signing up for the e-account service can be done in three ways:

through the web portal of JP Elektroprivreda BiH (You can download instructions for applying for the e-account service through the web portal here)
upon arrival at the nearest payment point of Elektrodistribucija, where the customer will sign the Statement of invoice delivery via e-mail at the counter
by downloading the text of the Declaration on the website, filling it in, signing it and delivering it to the nearest Elektrodistribucija payment point or by sending it to the official e-mail addresses of JP Elektroprivreda BiH

Instructions for activating eRegija

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter any name for this eRežija (e.g. Electricity – House account)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
Account number of JP EP BiH – enter the numbers found on the account of Elektorprivreda in the right corner under the name Account number: 4****- 0******. (Do not enter the second dash and the third series of numbers)
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from Elektroprivreda BiH, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

All interested users who still receive paper invoices and want to receive invoices in electronic form in order to pay their obligations through the electronic services of BBI Bank for free during the above promotion, can download the request via the link and send the completed, signed and scanned statement to email address of the EP BiH subsidiary:;;;;

BH Telecom

Pay bills for BH Telecom telecommunications services via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI) of BBI Bank. The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the “bht e-account” service of BH Telecom who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI Bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions for activating eRegija

The prerequisite for activating the service is the active “BHT e-account” service (you can get additional information by calling the number 1444).

Activate eRežija and pay your next BH Telecom bill with one click

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: Any name (eg Home Landline)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
BHTelecom account number – 13 digits named “Account number” in the upper right part of the BHT account (or on the right part of the payment slip)
Your e-invoice email – your email address to which you want BH Telecom invoices to be delivered
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from BH Telecom, without your additional intervention.

Before activating the service, please familiarize yourself with the terms of use and accept them.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

KJKP Rad Sarajevo

Pay utility bills of KJKP Rad Sarajevo with just one click, via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the KJKP Rad Sarajevo service who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter any name for this eRežija (e.g. Account KJKP Rad – Apartment) BBI payment account – Current account from which you want to pay the bill
User code of KJKP Rad Sarajevo: enter the numbers listed in the upper part of the KJKP Rad account under the name User code. Enter the whole number listed next to the User Code text.
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from KJKP Rad Sarajevo, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020. 

KJKP Sarajevogas

KJKP Sarajevogas and BBI Bank provided their joint users with the service of receiving and paying utility bills via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the KJKP Sarajevogas service who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI Bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions for activating eRegija

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter any name for this eRežija (e.g. KJKP Gas account)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
KJKP Sarajevogas customer code: Enter the numbers found on the KJKP Sarajevogas account under the name Code. Enter the entire sequence of numbers listed next to the Code text.
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from KJKP Sarajevogas, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

KJKP Toplane Sarajevo

KJKP Toplane Sarajevo and BBI Bank provided their joint users with the service of receiving and paying central heating bills via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI).

The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the KJKP Toplane Sarajevo service who are clients of the Bank and have an open account in BBI bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions for activating eRegija

Activate eRežija and pay your next KJKP Toplana bill with one click.

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter a voluntary name for this eRežija (e.g. Account KJKP Rad – Apartment)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
User code of KJKP Toplana Sarajevo: enter the numbers listed in the upper part of the KJKP Toplana account under the name User code. Enter the whole number listed next to the User Code text.
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from KJKP Toplana Sarajevo, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

Agencija Securitas d.o.o. Sarajevo

Agency Securitas d.o.o. Sarajevo and BBI Bank have enabled their mutual users to receive and pay bills for the services they provide to their clients via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the Securitas d.o.o. Agency service. Sarajevo who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter a voluntary name for this eRežija (e.g. Securitas – video surveillance Apartment)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
Your password at the Securitas d.o.o. Agency: enter the numbers listed on the right side of the account next to your first and last name. Enter the entire sequence of numbers, listed after your first and last name.
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from the Securitas d.o.o. Agency, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.


BIHAMK and BBI Bank have enabled their joint users to cover the costs of paying and renewing the membership of BiH. of the BIHAMK auto-moto club can be done with just one simple click, through the e-Režija service within the digital banking of Bosna Bank International – mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the BIHAMK service who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter any name for this eRežija (e.g. Bihamk member)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
BIHAMK membership number, enter the number listed on your membership card in the lower left corner
Automatic billing – Activate if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from BIHAMK, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

KJKP Vodovod i kanalizacija

KJKP Vodovod i kanalizacija and BBI Bank have provided their joint users with the service of receiving and paying utility bills via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the KJKP Vodovod i kanalizacija service, who are clients of the Bank and have an open account in BBI Bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

In order to avoid confusion and to simplify the activation of the service, we provide more information:

Your account name: enter an arbitrary name for this eRežija (e.g. Water Account)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
Vodovod i kanalizacije doo, Sarajevo account reference – enter the numbers listed on your Vodovod i kanalizacije account under the name Account reference. Enter all characters specified in the reference, numbers and dashes (XXXXXXX-XXXXXX-X)
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from the Water and Sewerage Company, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

JKP „Visoko“ d.o.o. Visoko

PUK “Visoko” d.o.o. Visoko and BBI banka provided their joint users with the service of payment of JKP “Visoko” d.o.o. services. which they provide to their clients through mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by all users of PUK “Visoko” services who have an account in BBI bank.

By using the eRežija service, citizens get significant benefits:

faster and easier,
there is no waiting in lines and clients can fulfill their obligations anytime and from anywhere.

Application for using the eRežija service can be made by clicking on the user account of electronic (eBBI) or mobile (mBBI) banking, and in order to start using this benefit, users activate it via eRežija based on the user code specified on the standard service account.

In order to avoid confusion and to simplify the activation of the service, below you can find instructions on the information necessary for activation:

Your account name: enter any name for this eRežija (e.g. utility bill)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
Payment code of JKP Visoko account – enter the numbers listed under your first and last name on the account
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from JKP Visoko, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

JP Vodovod i Kanalizacija d.o.o. Zenica

JP “Vodovod i Kanalizacija” d.o.o. Zenica and BBI Bank have provided their joint users with the service of receiving and paying utility bills via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the JP VIK d.o.o. service. Zenica, who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

In order to avoid confusion and to simplify the activation of the service, we provide more information:

Your account name: enter an arbitrary name for this eRežija (e.g. Water Account)
BBI Payment Account – Current account from which you wish to make bill payments
Water and Sewer Customer Code – enter the numbers listed on your Water and Sewer bill called the Customer Code. Enter the entire series of numbers listed next to the text Consumer Code.
Automatic billing – Turn on if you want the bank to automatically bill the bill upon receipt of the bill from Water and Sewerage, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

OKI Upravitelj d.o.o. Sarajevo

OKI Manager d.o.o. Sarajevo and BBI Bank have provided their joint users with the service of receiving and paying bills for the maintenance of residential buildings via mobile (mBBI) and electronic banking (eBBI). The eRežija service can be contracted by:

All users of the OKI Manager service d.o.o. Sarajevo, who are clients of the Bank and have an account opened in BBI bank
Clients who are also users of electronic services (mBBI) and (eBBI)

Instructions on information necessary for activation:

In order to avoid confusion and to simplify the activation of the service, we provide more information:

Account name – enter a name for the eRežija service (e.g. Apartment maintenance)
BBI Payment Account – Enter the current account from which you wish to make bill payments
Billing Unit – enter the numbers listed in your OKI Manager account under the Billing Unit
Automatic billing – turn on this option, if you want the Bank to automatically bill the bill, immediately upon receipt of the bill, without your additional intervention.

You can also activate the eRežija service for other natural persons for whom you want to pay bills.

If you have any questions, write to us via the “Messages” option within the mBBI application or call the BBI info line at 080 020 020.

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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