Private individuals


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You can contact the staff at the nearest branch of BBI Bank for the missing TRN statement.

The solvency certificate is issued based on the request of a legal entity. The request is submitted on the letterhead of the legal entity with the signature of authorized persons, and should contain the purpose for which the certificate is issued, as well as the time interval for which confirmation is requested that the TRN of the legal entity was not blocked.

Adding or deleting a person from the record of deposited signatures is done on the basis of the Decision of the director of the legal entity, which clearly specifies which person is added and who is deleted from the record of deposited signatures, or on the basis of a current court decision in the case when the director is changed. A certified copy of the ID card and CIPS application is required for each new signatory. Also, it is necessary for each new signatory to come in person to the main office of BBI Bank and deposit the signature.

Submit the completed and certified application to the nearest BBI bank branch, i.e. by e-mail or fax. 

Rebate is the convenience of reducing the contracted, calculated and charged profit margin, to which the legal entity (client) acquires the right to payment if it fulfills the pre-defined and agreed conditions through the financial partnership agreement (e.g. the agreed level of payment transactions that the legal entity should perform through TRN in BBI). Rebate is contracted on an annual, semi-annual or quarterly basis.

Lists for salaries, hot meals, transportation and other monetary benefits are forwarded to the group mail of collective payments:

The suspension lists are sent to:

In general, all types of lists can be sent to the common fax number: 033 275 258


Prerequisites for service approval are as follows:

– Open transaction and foreign exchange account

– Completed forms to access the eBBI/mBBI service. Forms can be downloaded from the bank’s website or at branches/offices

The client can authorize one or more persons to use the eBBI/mBBI service, and the Bank will provide the client, in accordance with the technical characteristics specified in the eBBI/mBBI service application, with one authentication tool free of charge.

The costs of registration of additional users are calculated in accordance with the currently valid Decision on the fee tariff for electronic banking.

The bank assigns two types of user identification devices:

USB key and/or
SMS token

The USB key is a security mechanism on which a digital certificate is written for each user of the system. The USB key is connected to the computer, through which the computer communicates with the smart card. The digital certificate on the key is protected by a personal code (PIN).

SMS token is a service with which eBBI/mBBI verifies the user’s identity with the help of the user’s GMS device.

In order to cancel an order, it is necessary to send a request for order cancellation to the email address:, with the order reference, the amount and the recipient of the order. The account can only be canceled if it is in a status that allows cancellation, i.e. if not already executed.

The client is obliged to immediately report the loss or theft of identification devices/identification elements to the Bank, by phone: 0800 200 20 (08:00-16:30), as well as confirm the above in writing by submitting a notification signed by the client, certified by the client’s by seal to the nearest organizational unit of the Bank, no later than within 1 (one) working day from the telephone notification. Otherwise, the telephone notification will be considered invalid. The bank immediately blocks the user’s recognition element in its electronic banking system upon receipt of the notification in order to prevent further use of the eBBI/mBBI service.

In the case when the order after creation and signing receives the rejected status, and you do not know the reason for the rejection, it is necessary to send a notification about it to the e-mail address: Bank employees will contact you with an explanation of the reason for rejecting the order.

The client can cancel the use of the eBBI/mBBI service by submitting a written request and returning the assigned identification devices. The devices are handed over to the organizational part of the Bank where the Agreement on the use of the eBBI/mBBI service was concluded.

The client’s obligation before canceling the service is to settle the obligations, costs and fees incurred until then.

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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