Private individuals

BBI Bank waived payment fees for zakat and sadekatu-l-fitr

Obaviještavamo cijenjene klijente da je BBI banka donijela Odluku o oslobađanju od plaćanja BBI naknada za uplate sa svrhom doznake zekat i sadekatu-l-fitr  u unutrašnjem platnom prometu. Ova Odluka se odnosi za uplate na račune Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini – Rijaset.

Za više informacija kontaktirajte besplatni info broj 0800 200 20

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Bosna Bank International!

Ostale novosti

Cash withdrawals with BBI debit cards at BBI ATMs are free of charge

Notice for clients: Application of fees for cash withdrawal services at BH Network ATMs

BBI Bank supported the publication of the book “The Spirit of the Bosnian Rug”

A new BBI Bank branch started operating – the second in the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo

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Bosna Bank International d.d. Sarajevo


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