Financial line for sustainable growth in entrepreneurship
BBI Bank actively participates in the achievement of the goal of strengthening the economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina by participating in special programs of international financial institutions aimed at strengthening micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. By signing an agreement on subsidiary financing of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, in partnership with the Development Bank of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BBI Bank joined the World Bank Project for the Recovery and Support of Bosnia and Herzegovina. companies.
The total value of this Project for the FBiH is 33.6 million euros, with 9.8 million KM available to businessmen through BBI Bank.
Diversity in entrepreneurship with improved access to long-term financing
This financial line provides access to long-term financing on very favorable terms for a period of up to 10 years, and is intended for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that recorded a drop in gross turnover during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as enterprises that employ women, and enterprises in less developed environments. BBI Bank continuously works to create a significant contribution to sustainable economic growth in our country and is committed to sustainable financing through ecological and socially responsible projects.
For more information on this BBI finance line, click here.